Launched in December 2022, written by Gargoyles co-creator Greg Weisman and featuring electric artwork by George Kambadais, the series continues the canon adventures of the Manhattan Clan, taking them to places fans have only dreamt of. Will we see the return of David Xanatos or other familiar faces? What characters from the show would you like to see show up in this series? 7.They live again! After a long slumber, Gargoyles – the critically-acclaimed 1990s animated series from Walt Disney Animation – has roared back to life, thanks in part to the current ongoing monthly series from Dynamite Comics. This issue leaves it open as to where the story will go from here. DC fans will appreciate the small Batman reference in this issue. Fans will no doubt be excited over what awaits us in this series. Gargoyles #1 did a great job of re-introducing readers to the world of the show. The best part of this issue in terms of art was the scene with Coldstone and Coldfire fighting the mobsters. It still is clear that who these characters are and that they are the same characters from the show, and it doesn’t detract from the storyline. That may turn off hardcore fans who would prefer it to look as close to the show’s animation as possible. The art in Gargoyles #1 is good, though it doesn’t resemble the animation style of the show as closely. Some readers may think that there’s a bit too much exposition in the narration, but considering it’s been nearly 30 years since the series was last on the air, it could be help to fans who haven’t seen it in a while or newcomers who are just being introduced to it. Since the series is helmed by the creator of the show, one can expect that the comics will follow the show’s continuity that hardcore fans will appreciate. Fans of the show will certainly enjoy it. THE SCOOPīased on the hit Disney animated show of the same name from the 1990s, Gargoyles #1 re-introduces readers to the characters from the show, while also adding new characters.

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