Karen dies in child birth and the children’s grandfather (Willem Dafoe), Terrence Settman vows to raise the seven sisters hidden from the oppressive regime. In this world, a woman, Karen Setman, gets pregnant, father unknown, and bears seven children. All siblings are then forced into bureau remanded cryo-sleep.

Caymen (Glenn Close) as the head of the Child Allocation Bureau initiates the “One Child – One Earth”, Child Allocation Actintended to decrease global overpopulation. Which then leads to an exacerbation of the initial problem. That in turn leads to an explosion in twins and multiple births. JustWatch What Happened to Monday World Buildingįor those of you that haven’t seen it? Let me give you a quick primer… Ok, so basically the world population causes global problems, which leads to genetically modified food explosion to meet population demands. Haven’t watched What Happened to Monday yet? You can watch it right here: I really had a blast the deeper down this rabbit hole I fell. It has many many flaws.), it is a highly worthwhile mind-trip of a movie. And while What Happened to Monday isn’t perfect (Nope. It’s rare treat that we get really complicated, and really interesting movie to debate and discuss… so we really have to savor them when they come. Well if you are jonesing for a new complicated movie fix – dude, I’ve totally got a great recommendation for you.

It’s so normal to allow Hollywood to talk down to the viewer that it’s really rare to see a director with the intestinal fortitude necessary to make a complicated movie these days. I literally get email from people who have just discovered my site asking for a fullon list weekly. Movies like Primer, Inception, The One I Love, If There’s a Hell Below, The Signal, Time Lapse, Predestination, The Arrival, I could just keep going and going. But occasionally, you find an intrepid movie developer and they just let fly. I thrive on movies that don’t button up all nice and neat – which is anathema to Hollywood. is a site for crazy complicated, hard to understand movies.